You can add color to almost any material by using a color tint or pigment. Not all color tints or pigments are compatible with all materials.
You want to use SO-Strong, UVO or Ignite with urethane or epoxy based materials.
SO-Strong, UVO and Ignite colorants are highly concentrated, offer excellent dispersion and consistent color. A very small amount will color a proportionally large amount of liquid urethane or epoxy material. The more you add in proportion to the volume of liquid urethane or epoxy, the more dramatic the color effect. Recommended loading range is 0.01% to 3.00% of total system weight.
Do not overload the liquid urethane or epoxy material or cure inhibition / oozing may occur.
Color silicones with silicone colors only (use only Silc Pig or Ignite). Note: When Ignite pigment is added to silicone, it will slightly thicken the material. Silc Pig and Ignite pigments are concentrated, so a little goes a long way when coloring Smooth-On silicone products. Recommended loading range is 0.01% to 3.00% of total silicone system weight.
Do not overload silicone rubber with colorant or cure inhibition may occur.
Pre-mix Silc Pig or Ignite colorant in container thoroughly before dispensing as settling may have occurred.
Using incompatible coloring systems may result in the material not curing. If this is your first time adding color to a resin, rubber, or foam, it is recommended that you test the color effect by adding a few drops to a small amount of material and observe the outcome.
Start with small percentages of tint or pigment; you can always add more. Thoroughly pre-mix tint or pigment with Part A or B of the resin or rubber system before combining Parts.